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Fashion Design Projects

Showcase of past and current projects

Design projects: Text
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Mystical Secrets

Final Year Project


Inspired by the natures most strangest places hidden in the world. Intrigued by its unique texture, linework and silhouette. Admiring the beauty of nature and discovering the interesting secrets behind this odd locations in the globe.

Alice in Wonderland

Design Project

Inspired by one of the children's most well known animated movie called Alice in Wonderland. This collection plays with colors , silhouette and shapes.

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Garment Construction

Construction of garments from 2D to 3D within the context of a self-directed theme using  thrift clothes and other materials to create organic shapes


ITE Final Year Project 2018

Graduation collection in 2 years of studying fashion apparel production and design in 2018.  Inspired by one of the 4 young teenagers who is regarded as a "basketcase". Someone who is introvert, enigmatic and a weirdo stereotype.  A movie called :the breakfast club" 1985.

Design projects: Projects
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